Monday, March 8, 2010

(LUNG DETOX) Black and Clogged to Pink and Healthy in under a year!

FACT: Smokers often feel that they blow out most of the smoke they take in. In reality, however, they exhale only 10% of what they inhale.That means 90% of what you puff is lodged in your lungs!
But, there is hope.If you want to heal your lungs quickly and easily and quite smoking and lead a more wholesome life, Natural Lung Cure, Healthy Lungs.. Clean "detox" your lungs.Pollution effects us all, we breath it every day... even if you have never smoked a day in your life...we have lost 2 parents to cancer and know what a dangerous world this is for everyones lungs...Simple things in your life can make all the difference in the world...How? by modifying your lifestyle, and living longer...

* What condition are your lungs in? If you have smoked for over 1 year, your lungs are black and tar covered.

Did you know that after 2 years of smoking...

* You are 12 times more likely to die of lung cancer.

* You are 10 times more prone to lung diseases.

* You are 10 times more susceptible to cancer of the larynx.

* You are 6 times more prone to heart disease caused by high cholesterol levels.

* You are twice as likely to die of a stroke.

Still not ready to quit? I'm sure you have heard all the nightmare statistics before...and you think the damage is done so why bother! WRONG!!!!! Don't you think in this day and age that someone, somewhere has found ways to reverse some of the damage we do to our bodies?

We are FIRM believers in natural health cures. Why? 2 of our parents who were lifelong smokers both died of Cancer. And one of our parents cured her breast cancer with natural health cures. My uncle who was diagnosed with Cancer and was given less than 6 months to live, cured his cancer with natural health cures!!! The 2 parents who died of Cancer did the traditional Drs. method. Chemo and Radiation. It did not work. Our mother who did the natural method, Changed her Diet and took a Tonic from the Bio-Med Clinic in Mexico. This cure was discovered by a Dr. in Texas and was banned from using it in this country. Why, you may ask. Because it worked, and cancer treatments in this country are a Billion dollar business. We research health, everyday. If we can help save 1 life with the information we learn, then we have done our job.

This site is dedicated to those of you who are struggling with a smoking addiction or if you are just worried about the general health of your lungs in this massively polluted planet we live on.

We work from home. And we thank you for visiting our site. We are currently working on bringing other online shopping stores to our site for our customers convenience. Please feel free to put us in your favorites. We will be adding our Cancer sites here soon. They are currently under construction. Good news, we have successfully linked some of our sites below.

If the book download site below is not what you are looking for, please type into the search bar for other ideas to help you improve your health. Recommended book: "The Noni Phenomenon" by Neil Solomon,MD,Phd. It is worth your time.

Please feel free to shop on our sidebar stores for some great sale items.

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Disclaimer: This site is for informational purposes only. The author is not a medical doctor or trained nutritionist and is not responsible for any consequences regarding your use or intended use of any information provided on this site. Always check with your medical professional or trained nutritionist before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle regarding your health.

Cancer Site Click Picture
Cancer Site
Health Tip:
There are several acupuncture sites on your body that when you are stressed, upset stomach, or feeling pain, that you can tap on to relieve these symptoms. Yes, it really works. The sites to tap are as follows...your right and left cheekbone(the highest part of your cheek)...your collar bone (both sides closest to your throat)...your right and left hand on the side by your little finger. Begin by tapping about 10 times on your cheek, then 10 times on tip of your collar bone then 10 times on your outer hand bone near your little finger and then repeat. It usually takes about 1 minute for results. Use 3 fingers to do this.

If You Smoke Click Picture
If You Smoke
Health Tip:
If your immune system is good, then don't you think you could avoid future health problems. If you keep your car tuned-up and do oil changes on time...doesn't it extend the life of your car? Then why not extend your own life expectancy. Providing your body with the proper nutrients everyday will do just that. The food we eat in our busy lives usually doesn't provide the nutrients you need to run right. Make sense. Simple things make a world of difference. Take a good multivitamin and a good liquid mineral( citric tasting). As well as Noni Juice for your immune system. Don't buy any of these at discount stores. Besides feeling better, keep track of how many times this year you get sick. Also watch the people you are around and keep track of how sick they are this year and compare it to you. When everyone else is sharing the flu, hopefully you will be passing it by.

Ear Problems Click Picture
Ringing of the ears

Health Tip:
Do you think of the word DIET as a four letter word. Does going to the gym and working out sound as exciting as getting an espresso enema!! Join the club. I personally have purchased and wasted more money on weight loss equipment that never gets used...I could have gone on vacation for the amount I have wasted. It always ends up in a garage sale and then feeling guilty later and I go out and buy more...promising myself this time I'm going to stick to it. NEVER HAPPENS! I even joined a gym for 1 year. I went about 20 times. More money wasted. If you want to increase your metabolism and lose weight, stop wasting money on things you know you won't stick's my advice. Use the acupuncture sites I described above when you feel stressed instead of eating to calm yourself. Incorporate some kind of multivitamin/mineral supplement that I described above. And most importantly...improve your metabolism. How? It's easy... All you have to do to begin with is walk in place for 15 min. while your watching TV. Do this everyday for 1 month. When the weather is good outside...take the dog for a walk. No dog? Take the cat...we have a cat stroller for our cats and we take them every chance we get. 15min...that's all. Over time you will increase your metabolism and energy level and feel more like doing other things instead of couch potatoeing. Most of all decrease your food intake. If you follow this SIMPLE advice...your body won't crave as much food, and it's easy to stick to walking for 15 min. Good luck.


Health Tip:
Are you drinking enough water everyday? Most of us don't. If you are properly hydrating your body, you will giving your body part of the ingredients to have a great immune system, and keep your urinary tract system clean and worry free. Most people don't drink enough water because of the taste. i don't drink tap water because of the taste. You can get bottled water at discount stores for about $4.00 a case. It's better for you warm. So try and drink it at room temperature. I know sounds gross, but you will get used to and won't want it cold anymore. Hope this helps.

Remove Warts, Moles, Skin Tags, Click On Picture
Remove Warts, Moles, Skin Tags

Lung Tip:
Ever wish you could breathe as easy as you did when you were a child. Running and playing and barely running out of breath. Well, most of us don't get enough exercise for our lungs as we should. No...I don't mean running a marathon every day. I mean just deep breathing and inhaling and exhaling. Try deep breathing about 10 times a day. While you are sitting at your desk at work, while watching TV at night, while reading a know what I mean...when you are not up and moving about. When a person is in the hospital and not able to get up...they usually give you a spirometer to use to exercise your lungs so you don't get pneumonia. It's basically deep breathing. It may help you when you are over doing it so you don't run out of breath. Good luck.

UTI  Info

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